Our Database
Since reclaiming the Baptist Burial Ground our dedicated researchers have diligently sourced material from a number of databases to identify and record those who are interred within the burial ground.
Our database is our principal source of information for 4,041 people identified to date who are buried in the Rehoboth.
Instructions for logging into our database:
The Username is: readonly
The Password is: readonly1234
The source information for the database/app is as follows:
1. The Burial Register spreadsheet.
2. The Inscription Book.
3. Full research details of the 21 War and Remembered Graves.
4. Constantly updated photos of graves collated over the last 20 months.
5. Individual stories and images provided by family members and researchers to date. Ernest Walton (B106) is a good example. Arthur Hainsworth Wade (C203a) is also a detailed example of our War & Remembered Graves.
The images are thumbnails; please click on them to enlarge.
The “Plan” in blue next to the “Grave Area” heading will bring up a map of the relevant section. Name searches are fully functional on partial names with all categories both searchable and identifiable.
Submissions & Amends
Submissions of new material or amends to existing material would be gratefully received.
Handwritten Notes from 1975
This is a scanned PDF copy of a number of inscriptions from 1975. We believe the inscriptions are the gravestones that were in the original Chapel grounds and subsequently removed and broken up in the 1980’s.
Memorial Inscriptions from 1987 and Grave Diggers Records
During “Lockdown 1” we scanned this book from the original typewritten copy. We believe it was compiled around 1987 by a group of researchers. It is very much a snapshot of all the memorials that were visible at the time. Some of the entries are no longer in place; in addition we have others uncovered that are not in the book which suggests they were not accessible when the book was typed.
Our fully searchable PDF copy is in two parts; the Index which lists all the surnames in alpha sequence that were recorded with page numbers, which cross reference to the full Inscription Book.
In 2023 we added the 89 page book of records compiled by the Grave Digger, please click below to access.
Our War & Remembered Graves
The Rehoboth has been officially designated as a Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery since the 1920’s and is one of 13,000 registered locations in the United Kingdom. In addition we have identified 13 Remembered Graves that carry an inscription to a family member who died in service overseas.