Aerial Photographs courtesy of Google Earth
2002 - 2016
This gallery includes eight photographs, courtesy of Google Earth, taken at different times of the year, from 2002 to 2016. The photographs shows work that was carried out in the early part of the millennium and the last photograph features the canopy of trees and foliage have completely taken over the Burial Ground, which locally w became known locally as “The Jungle”
In a number of the photographs the “Hainsworth Cross” can be clearly located and in some photographs the white headstones of the War Graves can be seen, a tribute to the visits from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.
Google Earth, 2003
Google Earth, 2006
Google Earth, 2009
Google Earth, 2009
Google Earth, 2002
Google Earth, 2011
Google Earth, 2015
Google Earth, 2016