Donner, Dancer, Dasher and friends are looking for a home…

At Farsley Rehoboth we have a number of `lost` Reindeer looking for homes...

Our herd of `wooden` Reindeer have been carefully hand crafted by one of our talented Volunteers from reclaimed wood within Farsley Rehoboth.

If you would like to `adopt `your own Prancer, Dancer, Blitzen, Rudolph, Donner (et al), to place in your garden, a window or wherever, (and I promise there are `no droppings’) please let us know.

You can purchase for £10.00 (each) by any of the payment methods below. Your reindeer can be collected from our stand outside the Rehoboth gates on Coal Hill Lane (next to Pro-Fit 28 gym), LS28 5NA on any Tuesday, Friday or Sunday from 10.30 am to 4.00 pm whilst stocks last.

Alternatively If you live in west Leeds (Farsley/Pudsey/Calverley/Rodley we will deliver to your door free of charge), or £15.00 (each) if you live elsewhere in the UK.

1). Payment by cash, card or contactless from our stall outside the Rehoboth gates.

2). If you prefer you can send your payment by PayPal with delivery/collection details to this email address:

3). Or by a donation of £10.00/£15.00 to our Gift Aid enabled and fee free Go Fund Me portal (please  put  your contact details in the message area):

Help to make a `Reindeer` happy........and us too, as all the proceeds go to our charity to help us to continue with our work.

Thank you!!



Behind the Coal Hill Lane Walls...


Rebuilding the Dr. Lambert of West Lodge Surgery Memorial