Help us go to work on your Co-op shopping today !!
Our selection by the Co-op Community Fund as their local “Good Cause”, commenced for 12 months on 20th October. This applies at both Farsley and Headingley Co-op shops, where if you are a Co-op Member, we receive a portion of your spend on a selection of products.
If you are not a member and wish to join it costs £1 and YOU will enjoy Member Prices, discounts across Co-op purchases and many more benefits. If you are a member please select us as your preferred good cause, by selecting our Charity from the Co-op online charity portal.
Our “fixed costs”, (what it costs to run the Rehoboth without any purchases of builders materials or services) costs over £8,000 each year (and rising), Supporting our fundraising initiatives makes a massive difference. Thank you in advance.